# Get started with a build env with Rust nightly FROM docker.io/rustlang/rust:nightly-bullseye as builder # If you’re using stable, use this instead # FROM docker.io/rust:1.70-bullseye as builder # Install cargo-binstall, which makes it easier to install other # cargo extensions like cargo-leptos RUN wget https://github.com/cargo-bins/cargo-binstall/releases/latest/download/cargo-binstall-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tgz RUN tar -xvf cargo-binstall-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tgz RUN cp cargo-binstall /usr/local/cargo/bin # Install cargo-leptos RUN cargo binstall cargo-leptos -y # Add the WASM target RUN rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown # Make an /app dir, which everything will eventually live in RUN mkdir -p /app WORKDIR /app COPY . . # Build the app ENV CARGO_BUILD_JOBS=2 RUN cargo leptos build --release -vv FROM rustlang/rust:nightly-bullseye as runner # Copy the server binary to the /app directory COPY --from=builder /app/target/release/portfolio /app/ # /target/site contains our JS/WASM/CSS, etc. COPY --from=builder /app/target/site /app/site # Copy Cargo.toml if it’s needed at runtime COPY --from=builder /app/Cargo.toml /app/ # Copy all data files COPY --from=builder /app/data_src /app/data_src WORKDIR /app # Set any required env variables and ENV RUST_LOG="warn" ENV APP_ENVIRONMENT="production" ENV LEPTOS_SITE_ADDR="" ENV LEPTOS_SITE_ROOT="site" EXPOSE 8080 # Run the server CMD ["/app/portfolio"]