Fork 0

29 lines
1.5 KiB

local function init()
cmd('colorscheme moonlight')
opt.completeopt = {'menuone', 'noinsert', 'noselect'} -- Completion options (for deoplete)
opt.expandtab = true -- Use spaces instead of tabs
opt.hidden = true -- Enable background buffers
opt.ignorecase = true -- Ignore case
opt.joinspaces = false -- No double spaces with join
opt.list = true -- Show some invisible characters
opt.number = true -- Show line numbers
opt.relativenumber = true -- Relative line numbers
opt.scrolloff = 4 -- Lines of context
opt.shiftround = true -- Round indent
opt.shiftwidth = 2 -- Size of an indent
opt.sidescrolloff = 8 -- Columns of context
opt.smartcase = true -- Do not ignore case with capitals
opt.autoindent = true -- Insert indents automatically
opt.splitbelow = true -- Put new windows below current
opt.splitright = true -- Put new windows right of current
opt.tabstop = 2 -- Number of spaces tabs count for
opt.termguicolors = true -- True color support
opt.wildmode = {'list', 'longest'} -- Command-line completion mode
opt.wrap = false -- Disable line wrap
opt.mouse = 'a' -- Enable mouse for all previous modes
return {
init = init