#!/bin/bash # Required jq to be installed with # pacman -S jq arandr source ~/.config/i3/common_var.sh source $GENERATED_MONITOR_CONF # Get current workspace output (Screen) CURRENT_WORKSPACE=$($MSG_COMMAND -t get_workspaces \ | jq '.[] | select(.visible == true and .focused == true) | .output' \ | sed "s/\"\|'//g") # Get screen index from screens list and current workspace SCREEN_INDEX=-1 for val in ${!SCREENS[@]} do if [[ "${SCREENS[val]}" == "$CURRENT_WORKSPACE" ]]; then SCREEN_INDEX=$val; break; fi done DESIRED_WORKSPACE=$(($SCREEN_INDEX * 10 + $1)) # To run in DRY RUN uncomment line in below # MSG_COMMAND=echo if [[ "$2" == "move" ]]; then notify-send "move to $DESIRED_WORKSPACE" $MSG_COMMAND move container to workspace number $DESIRED_WORKSPACE else notify-send "switch to $DESIRED_WORKSPACE" $MSG_COMMAND workspace number $DESIRED_WORKSPACE fi