diff --git a/dot_doom.d/init.el b/dot_doom.d/init.el index c300926..8267d24 100644 --- a/dot_doom.d/init.el +++ b/dot_doom.d/init.el @@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ hl-todo ; highlight TODO/FIXME/NOTE/DEPRECATED/HACK/REVIEW ;;hydra ;;indent-guides ; highlighted indent columns - ligatures ; ligatures and symbols to make your code pretty again + (ligatures +extra) ; ligatures and symbols to make your code pretty again ;;minimap ; show a map of the code on the side modeline ; snazzy, Atom-inspired modeline, plus API - ;;nav-flash ; blink cursor line after big motions - neotree ; a project drawer, like NERDTree for vim + nav-flash ; blink cursor line after big motions + ;;neotree ; a project drawer, like NERDTree for vim ophints ; highlight the region an operation acts on (popup +defaults) ; tame sudden yet inevitable temporary windows tabs ; a tab bar for Emacs - ;;treemacs ; a project drawer, like neotree but cooler + (treemacs +lsp) ; a project drawer, like neotree but cooler ;;unicode ; extended unicode support for various languages vc-gutter ; vcs diff in the fringe vi-tilde-fringe ; fringe tildes to mark beyond EOB @@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ :tools ;;ansible ;;biblio ; Writes a PhD for you (citation needed) - ;;debugger ; FIXME stepping through code, to help you add bugs + (debugger +lsp) ; FIXME stepping through code, to help you add bugs ;;direnv - docker + (docker +lsp) ;;editorconfig ; let someone else argue about tabs vs spaces ;;ein ; tame Jupyter notebooks with emacs (eval +overlay) ; run code, run (also, repls) @@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ ;;common-lisp ; if you've seen one lisp, you've seen them all ;;coq ; proofs-as-programs ;;crystal ; ruby at the speed of c - csharp ; unity, .NET, and mono shenanigans + (csharp +dotnet +lsp) ; unity, .NET, and mono shenanigans ;;data ; config/data formats - (dart +flutter) ; paint ui and not much else + (dart +flutter +lsp) ; paint ui and not much else ;;dhall ;;elixir ; erlang done right ;;elm ; care for a cup of TEA? @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ ;;fortran ; in FORTRAN, GOD is REAL (unless declared INTEGER) ;;fsharp ; ML stands for Microsoft's Language ;;fstar ; (dependent) types and (monadic) effects and Z3 - gdscript ; the language you waited for + (gdscript +lsp) ; the language you waited for ;;(go +lsp) ; the hipster dialect ;;(graphql +lsp) ; Give queries a REST ;;(haskell +lsp) ; a language that's lazier than I am @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ ;;idris ; a language you can depend on json ; At least it ain't XML ;;(java +lsp) ; the poster child for carpal tunnel syndrome - javascript ; all(hope(abandon(ye(who(enter(here)))))) + (javascript +lsp) ; all(hope(abandon(ye(who(enter(here)))))) ;;julia ; a better, faster MATLAB ;;kotlin ; a better, slicker Java(Script) ;;latex ; writing papers in Emacs has never been so fun @@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ ;;raku ; the artist formerly known as perl6 ;;rest ; Emacs as a REST client ;;rst ; ReST in peace - (ruby +rails) ; 1.step {|i| p "Ruby is #{i.even? ? 'love' : 'life'}"} - rust ; Fe2O3.unwrap().unwrap().unwrap().unwrap() + (ruby +rails +lsp +rvm) ; 1.step {|i| p "Ruby is #{i.even? ? 'love' : 'life'}"} + (rust +lsp) ; Fe2O3.unwrap().unwrap().unwrap().unwrap() ;;scala ; java, but good ;;(scheme +guile) ; a fully conniving family of lisps sh ; she sells {ba,z,fi}sh shells on the C xor