syntax = "proto3"; package internal; service Unix { // Message send by the command gateway to the daemon rpc authorize(AuthorizeRequest) returns (AuthorizeResponse); // Message send when user quit shell rpc terminate(TerminateRequest) returns (TerminateResponse); } message AuthorizeRequest { // identifier of the project string identifier = 1; // ssh_keys from ssh agent string token = 2; // command like /bin/bash string command = 3; } enum AuthorizationStatus { AUTHORIZED = 0; PERMISSION_DENIED = 1; } message AuthorizeResponse { AuthorizationStatus status = 1; string error_message = 2; string session_uuid = 3; } message TerminateRequest { string session_uuid = 1; } enum TerminateStatus { OK = 0; FAILED = 1; } message TerminateResponse { TerminateStatus status = 1; string error_message = 2; }