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MMORPG_PROJECT/Unity network UDP/Assets/scripts/HeightmapExportPNG.js

57 lines
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2016-06-22 21:45:43 +02:00
import UnityEngine;
import UnityEditor;
import System.Collections;
import System.IO;
class HeightmapExportPNG extends EditorWindow
static var terraindata : TerrainData;
@MenuItem ("Terrain/Export Height Map as PNG")
static function Init () {
terraindata = null;
var terrain : Terrain = null;
if ( Selection.activeGameObject )
terrain = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent( Terrain );
if (!terrain) {
terrain = Terrain.activeTerrain;
if (terrain) {
terraindata = terrain.terrainData;
if (terraindata == null) {
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("No terrain selected", "Please select a terrain.", "Cancel");
//// get the terrain heights into an array and apply them to a texture2D
var myBytes : byte[];
var myIndex : int = 0;
var rawHeights = new Array(0.0,0.0);
var duplicateHeightMap = new Texture2D(terraindata.heightmapWidth, terraindata.heightmapHeight, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
rawHeights = terraindata.GetHeights(0, 0, terraindata.heightmapWidth, terraindata.heightmapHeight);
/// run through the array row by row
for (y=0; y < duplicateHeightMap.height; ++y)
for (x=0; x < duplicateHeightMap.width; ++x)
/// for wach pixel set RGB to the same so it's gray
var data = rawHeights[myIndex];
var color = Vector4(data, data,data, 1.0);
duplicateHeightMap.SetPixel (x, y, color);
// Apply all SetPixel calls
/// make it a PNG and save it to the Assets folder
myBytes = duplicateHeightMap.EncodeToPNG();
var filename : String = "DupeHeightMap.png";
File.WriteAllBytes(Application.dataPath + "/" + filename, myBytes);
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Heightmap Duplicated", "Saved as PNG in Assets/ as: " + filename, "");